Monday, March 17, 2008

A Sampling of Posts from My Mirror Site, Savvy Natural Healer

When Green Tea Diets Don't Work
For over a decade, trainers, coaches, and natural health experts have touted the benefits of green tea and green tea diet pills and capsules for losing weight and lowering blood sugars. Not everyone who uses these and similar products, however, benefits equally. Here's what the research literature is telling us now.

What Are the Benefits of Green Tea Diets?
For over a decade, trainers, coaches, and natural health experts have touted the benefits of green tea and green tea diet pills and capsules for losing weight and lowering blood sugars. Not everyone who uses green tea diet pills and similar products, however, benefits equally. Here's what the research literature is telling us now.

Is There An Appetite-Suppression Oolong Tea Supplement?
Is there an "appetite-suppress" oolong tea supplement? How about weight reducing oolong tea caps or an oolong metabolism product or an oolong appetite tablet?

Writing as a formulator who would have loved to have given you the product if there were, I have to say, as far as I know, the answer is....

Can Drinking Decaf Speciality Coffee Prevent Diabetes?
As I noted in an earlier post entitled "What's This About Caffeine Raising Blood Sugar Levels," caffeine in general can raise blood sugars in people who already have diabetes, and black coffee and diabetes is generally not a good combination. A light-roast decaf speciality coffee, on the other hand, may actually help.

What's This About Caffeine Raising Blood Sugar Levels?
Can caffeine raise blood sugar levels? If you are a diabetic, is it safe to drink caffeinated coffee, tea, and soft drinks?

A clinical trial at Dartmouth Medical School in New Hampshire found that caffeine....

Vinegar for Type II Diabetes
Vinegar in the daily diabetic menu does help diabetics keep blood sugars lower, and here's how it works.

Reduce Risk of Diabetes by Eating Veggies
The antioxidants, magnesium, and fiber of vegetables may reduce the risk of developing type-2 diabetes by up to 30 per cent, according to a new study coming from China.

Chromium for Diabetes
Chromium is perhaps the best-known supplement in diets for type II diabetes, but it does not work for every diabetic. Here's how to know whether chromium will work for your type II diabetes symptoms.

Vitamin C for Diabetes
Recent research suggests that vitamin C could be as useful in controlling diabetes as many of the most commonly prescribed diabetes medications, with the added advantage of lowering blood sugars without encouraging weight gain. And you don't need megadoses to get results.

Vitamin D for Diabetes
A noted author on natural health claims that using extra "Vitamin D is better than metformin (a common prescription drug also labeled Glucophage) for type II diabetes!" Is she right? Well, the answer to whether taking this supplement is as good as metformin the lowering blood sugars and controlling type II diabetes is probably yes and no.

Vitamin E for Diabetes
Type II diabetics used to be told that they should take vitamin E to prevent heart disease, and then research announced that vitamin E might be harmful. Does vitamin E prevent cardiovascular disease in diabetics or not? The real answer seems to be "it depends."

Vitamin E for Diabetes: How Much Is Too Much?

A recent clinical trial conducted at the Bertram Diabetes Research Unit and the Institute for Food Research in Norwich in England finds that there really is such a thing as getting to much alpha-tocopherol when it comes to heart problems and vitamin E, although alpha-tocopherol is just one form of vitamin E. This post discusses why in diabetes you need high-gamma vitamin E.

DHEA and Diabetes
From Italy comes a study suggesting that DHEA supplements might reduce some of the complications of type 2 diabetes. Many of the chronic complications of non-insulin dependent diabetes are vascular. In diabetes, there can be so much glucose in the bloodstream that it begins to "burn," that is, it begins to oxidize, even before it reaches the cells that need it. DHEA....

Diet, Diabetes, and Gum Disease

Brushing and flossing are generally thought to be the only way to prevent gum disease, and a home remedy beyond good personal hygeine always seemed out of the question. From Kyushu Unviersity in Japan, however, comes a series of studies showing the importance of making the right choices in food and drink to avoid periodontal infections if you have diabetes.

To Prevent Diabetes, Low-Carb Is Better than Low-Fat
For decades doctors have been telling us that the best way to prevent type II diabetes is to cut out the fat from your diet and take off the pounds. Now the research is saying, oops, we meant you should cut out the carbs. And maybe Atkins and South Beach are really OK.

Acupressure for Weight Control

Wouldn't be wonderful you could just massage your weight away?

As unlikely as it sounds, the upcoming March 2008 edition of the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine reports a clinical trial in which the Tapas Acupressure Technique applied to the right acupressure pressure points for weight loss really does seem to melt away the pounds.

Coffee and Heart Attacks

If you have been following natural health news over the past few months, you may have noticed two headlines:
1. A study in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that drinking coffee with caffeine (not decaf) may raise the risk of heart attacks.
2. A study in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that drinking coffee with caffeine (not decaf) may lower the risk of heart attacks.
And both findings are correct. Whether coffee is heart-healthy or heart-harmful seems to depend on...

Smokers: Folic Acid Reduces Risk of Stroke If You Can't Quit

From the Finnish National Public Health Institute and the Karolinska Institutet in Sweden comes recent research into the use of folic acid in hyperlipidemia finding that smokers who get more folic acid have lower risk of stroke, but not every smoker benefits the same amount or the same way.
A New Antioxidant Fat-Burner for Overweight Diabetics?

If there's anything diabetics all over the world can agree on, it's that it's nearly impossible to lose weight while keeping blood sugars in check. R-Lipoic Acid and L-Carnitine, however, may be the miracle fat-burners that make losing weight while controlling blood sugars possible.

A New Ayurvedic Herb for Diabetes?

In the February 2008 edition of the medical journal Diabetes Care there is a report of a clinical trial of a "new" Ayurvedic herb for type-2 diabetes, Coccinia cordifolia. Better known as koval or ivy gourd (and in various local languages, as tindora', dondakaya, tendli, or gentlemen's fingers), this herb is in the same plant family as the better known bitter melon, only much more more effective.

Acupressure for Sinus Pain, Colds, and Flu

For stuffy nose and sinus pain caused by colds and flu, here's a quick but useful tip. It doesn't rank among the viral flu cures, but it will bring quick relief.

Asking About the Loo

Sometimes the best way to stay healthy on trip overseas is simply to know how to ask for directions to the toilet.

Botox for Anal Fissures? How About a Simpler Approach?

Anal fissures and fistulas plague millions of people who don't ask their doctors the questions they really need answered--the treatment isn't what you'd expect. Here's what you need to know to keep the treatment from being worse than the problem.

Bran and Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Despite what you may read in some medical forums for irritable bowel syndrome, bran is usually low on the list of the best natural remedies for IBS.

Artichoke Leaf for IBS

Once used primarily as a remedy for stomach growling in IBS, artichoke leaf is now one of the most widely promoted remedies for this condition. But does it really work?

Peppermint Oil for IBS

If you are looking for an answer to the question of how to get rid of IBS naturally, this might be your answer.

Cheese and Indigestion

If you're seeking to stop flatulence, especially flatulence in the workplace, consider deleting cheese from your diet. It turns out cheese combined with other foods can cause flatulence, too.

Don't Let Traveler's Constipation Ruin Your Next Trip

While health publications devote more coverage to traveler's diarrhea (ciguatera, E. coli, giardiasis, and Salmonella), the fact is, more travelers have a problem with constipation--especially if they take Lomotil or Pepto-Bismol prophylactically to prevent diarrhea. Constipation can literally ruin a trip, so here's what you can do.

Is There a Flatulence-Free Bean?

Many people avoid one of the least expensive and most versatile sources of protein and fiber, the bean, because of it produces odorific flatulence. From the UK, however, comes the promise of a "gas-less" bean popularized by Dr. Colin Leakey.

Managing Flatulence During Menopause

Gassiness and gastric distress are among the more common and less talked about symptoms of menopause. Here are some menopause and perimenopause remedies to relieve the problem that doctors often overlook.

Teas for Tummy Trouble

Equally appropriate when you have to deal with children with upset stomach and nerves and when you don't know what to eat when you have gas and upset stomach,teas are inexpensive, they are easy to make, they are safe and effective. Teas of various kinds make the perfect home remedy for all kinds of digestive distress. Just match the right tea to the symptoms. You may also be interested in valerian root tea for anxiety and nerves.

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